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Zetland Road Loftus

The building to the left of the image with the wall and railings round it is now identified as Smithfield House, the house which was converted to make Dodd’s shop after they moved from the Market Place in 1911. 

Image courtesy of Keith Bowers and thanks to Eric Johnson for the update.

Zetland Road, Loftus

What would have been a good image of Zetland Road if age and sunlight hadn’t attacked the photographic emulsion. No tarmacadam on the road and the style of clothing suggests the turn of the 20th Century, but definitely pre-1911 when Smithfield House became Dodds shop.

Zetland Terrace

An earlier image of Zetland Road, Loftus Co-operative building is on the left side of the road in this view. Note the bushes and other vegetation in the front garden of Smithfield House below the Co-op, this would later be Dodds shop premises; this assists in dating as Dodds did not move to Smithfield House until 1911.

Duncan Place, Loftus

The first photograph I have seen of Duncan Place, it hasn’t changed much although the gates at yon end have gone now and I can’t see if the school was there on the left hand side, there is a wall there as there was when I went to school, so I will presume that the school was there.

Image courtesy of The Pem Holliday Collection.

High Street – Zetland Terrace

We used the title as given on the postcard; this is interesting considering it was produced by George Skilbeck, whose shop was only slightly further down the street. He would know the correct name of the street; we can see that Dodd’s shop has now moved from the Market Place.  Not sure of the date but the scene hasn’t changed much over the years; although today the shop is now shuttered/boarded-up.

Image courtesy of Eric Norton.

Legg Bros., Loftus

Looks like a carefully posed image (except for the young boy on the left hand side who has just managed to get into the photograph) of Legg Bros. This shop used  to occupy the premises of the present day Harrops Pharmacy. One side for ladies wear, the other side men’s and never the two shall meet. Mr Legg also used to travel around to the farms in the area to sell his wares.

Many thanks to Joan Jemson for the update.

Harrop’s Chemist (late 1967)

Behind the counter we have (left to right): Tom Harrop, Kathleen Bradley, Jenny Harrop, Jean Sayers, Renee Treloar.
Image courtesy of Raymond Brown.

Zetland Road, Loftus

This photograph shows Memorial Stone Masons on the right hand side; with the shops lining each side of the road.  The Congregational church is prominent in the background.

Zetland Road, Loftus

Another shot of Zetland Road, quite a few people out shopping on what looks to be a lovely sunny day.  Loftus used to be a very busy shopping place for people all around the area.

Loftus, Approaching West Road

Lovely view of Zetland Road with the shops and lots of traffic here today, maybe the weekend.  What date do you think it would be, about the 1950’s?