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Form 4-2 June 1964

Loftus County Modern School, Form 4-2 pictured in June 1964. However spellings may be a name is missing, our donor advises: “The names on the back of the photograph are written in pencil, sorry for any wrong spelling and the missing name, it was a long time ago and sadly we have lost a few class mates.”

Back row: Peter Pearson, David Young, Malcolm Walker, Peter Smith, Jeff Todd, Mike Winfindale, Mike Morrison, Jeff Layborn, Alwin Stiff, Frank Ferguson.

Middle row: Brenda Whattern, Jean Marley, Dennis Bowers, Terry Robinson, Brian Wright, Ian Hall, Marian Bird, Janet Lumley.

Front row: Dot Jackson, Jean Atkinson, Marilyn Robinson, Valerie Bunting, Mr Parker (Form Teacher), Ann Armstrong, Jennifer McLean, Kathleen Scott, Carol Brown.

Image and details courtesy of Jennifer Housam, thanks to Terry Robinson for the update.

3 comments to Form 4-2 June 1964

  • Terry Robinson

    I believe the girl on the front row far right is Carol Brown.

  • Jennifer Housam

    Hi Terry Pleased to hear that you’re still around, and hope life is treating you well. I was always told we were baptised on the same day at St Helens Church Carlin How, so we share a bit of the same history. Keep Safe and well x well done for remembering the missing name

  • Terry Robinson

    Hi Jennifer, hope you are well, yes I seem to remember being told we were baptised on the same day, April 1949, anyway I found the same class photo today and can now fill the names in as well. Take care and keep safe.

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