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Thatched Cottage, Brotton

A further thatched cottage, believed to be close to the Ship Inn (on the rear part of Brotton High Street) and behind the present day Spar convenience store. It is believed that the thatched cottage is no more; having been replaced by a two storey Victorian brick building. The image when it came to the Archive did not have the details as listed on the image (‘SEE BACK’), so any additional information about the building or dating would be very welcome. Julie Riddiough has advised the Archive: ” The building to the right on the picture was The Shoemakers Arms”. Bill Danby (whilst conducting other researches) has advised the Archive of an entry for Skelton and Brotton District Council that on 6th July 1934 – demolition of 129 High Street, Brotton; Thatched Cottage.

Image courtesy of The David Linton Collection and thanks to Julie Riddiough for that update, also to Bill Danby for the actual demolition date of the building.

Old Green Tree Hotel, Brotton

A view of the Old Green Tree Hotel, Brotton; with plenty of bystanders to fill the picture for the photographer. Dating was not a problem, Nivard Ovington came to the rescue and his assistance is given further in this post. Note that the building as well as having a thatched roof only has a window in the gable end, no upper storey as the building has had since pre 1913 (based on a postcard view elsewhere on the Archive). Also the shop front to the left of this view, is now a series of houses before The Penfold and the more modern Spar convenience store. Nivard Ovington has assisted with: “The alterations were between 1901 and 1906. ‘Daily Gazette’ for Middlesbrough March 13th 1900: “Today at Guisborough Police Court Mr W RICHARDSON, solicitor, applied on behalf of Mr T WEBSTER, for sanction to alterations to the Green Tree Inn Brotton. Thus was a thatched house, 200 years old, and had been in the occupation of the present tenants family for over a century. Application granted”. ‘Daily Gazette’ for Middlesbrough March 6th 1906: “There is a report of an application by the landlord of the Green Tree Inn Brotton, requesting a seven day licence as there was at present only a six day licence, it is mentioned that it had recently been rebuilt. Application was refused. It was mentioned that when George WEBSTER took the Green Tree over in 1878 it was a seven day licence but he gave up the seventh day as he was a farmer as well, since then it was a 6 day whereas all other public houses were open seven days”. In 1907 the licence for the Green Tree was transferred to Robert Henry HEAD. ‘Whitby Gazette’ February 7th 1908: “Robert Henry HEAD of the Green Tree Brotton applied for a seven day licence. Its mentioned that the Green Tree had been rebuilt ‘five or six years ago’. The seven day licence was granted”. I descend from the WEBSTERs mentioned above, the earliest I have them there is 1823. 1823 ‘Baines Directory of Brotton’: Webster Richard , victualler : Green Tree.
But they were clearly there longer than that, Richard WEBSTER born 1767 at Brotton was my g.g.g.g.grandfather. In the photograph the man standing in the left doorway is probably Thomas WEBSTER”.

Image courtsey of The David Linton Collection and many thanks to Nivard Ovington for his assistance in dating and names of possible people in the image.

St Anthony’s RC Church, Brotton

This postcard view from the Phoenix Series (Brittain & Wright of Stockton) shows the High Street, Brotton and the Roman Catholic Church of St Anthony of Padua, to give it the full and correct title; dates from 1915. Described as ” a modest structure built at the start of the 20th century. The exterior is plain and simple and has not been enhanced by the rebuilding and enlargement of the western porch. The chief interest lies inside in what is a very elaborate decorative scheme for a small wayside church. The church was built in 1905 (foundation stone was laid on 16th August) to serve the local Catholic community and was officially opened in 1907. The decoration of the ceiling panels was carried out by a Belgian painter Felix Beryngier and his workmen, probably brought across by the first parish priest, Father Gryspeert, one of many French and Belgian priests who sought sanctuary in England in the wake of early 20th century anti-clerical legislation. According to Minskip, the paintings in the sanctuary and on the chancel arch were added later, possibly during the time of Father Patrick Macken (1916-27). The church was enlarged slightly in 1979 with the rebuilding of the western porch.”

Image courtesy of Julie Tyrka, additional information courtesy of “Taking Stock – Catholic Churches of England and Wales”


Brotton’s New Church

Brotton's New Church

From a ‘Phoenix’ series postcard entitled “Brotton – New Church”; British History On-line states: “The new church dedicated to St Margaret was built lower down the hill-side in 1888–91. It was the gift of Miss Jackson of Hunley Hall and consists of chancel with south aisle, north organ chamber and vestry, nave of five bays, north and south aisles, and south and west porches. There is a small bell-turret on the south side between the chancel and nave. The roofs are covered with red tiles. The building, which stands well above the road and is of stone, is a very good example of modern Gothic work in the style of the 15th century.” The small trees behind the roadside wall were removed some years ago as they were deemed to be unsafe; but replaced with oaks which are now starting to grow well.
Image courtesy of Olive Bennett.


Brotton High Street

Brotton High Street

Ambling up Brotton High Street the brewery dray, advertises Russell and Wranghams Malton Ales. The Russell family’s Derwent brewery went into partnership with William Wrangham in 1897. Taken over by Camerons who later sold the site for a supermarket in 1984. The sign over the house doorway on the left is a mystery can any one shed light on it. Norman Patton tells us: ”Historically, the upstairs of No 26 was a ‘Cobblers’.”
Image courtesy of John G. Hannah and many thanks to Norman for the update.

Brotton Grange c.1900

The Grange, Brotton standing on Coach Road was originally the home of Robert Morrison. He started the ironstone mine (Morrison’s Pit) close to his home, from 1881 the house was occupied by Joseph Taylor. Listed in the Census of 1901 as Accountant and Secretary of Brotton Gaslight and Coke Company. The two figures in the postcard image could be Margaret Taylor (wife) or Margaret (daughter) or possibly Beatrice Rush (maid). Roger Hardcastle tells the Archive: ” My great grandfather was a doctor; Thomas Taylor. He had five children and one of them was George, born in 1885 who was my grandfather. It was our branch of the Taylor family that lived in the Grange at Brotton. Going through old photo albums there is a photograph of the Grange”. Charles Taylor advises: “George Taylor was (I believe) the brother of Tom Hugh Taylor who was my grandfather and I have a couple of pictures of gatherings in the Grange garden in which the whole family is shown. Roger Hardcastle is related; as we share the same great grandfather and our grandfathers were siblings”.
Image courtesy of John G Hannah and thanks to Roger Hardcastle and Charles Taylor for the updates.

Co-operative Stores, Brotton

The magnificent frontage has been radically altered over the years and obviously was at one time the premier building on the High Street. How times have changed, the building now houses a Morrisons convenience store and two take-aways. The image is taken from a postcard produced by Portass, Photographer, Milton Street Saltburn and bears an extensive Christmas message. Unfortunately the stamp and hence dating is more problematical, possibly late 1890’s. Ian Hindmarch comments: “I lived in Brotton( The Avenue) from 1944 – 1962. Opposite the Co-op was a drapers and wool/needlework shop run by Beatie Quick. I remember her shop sign was B. Quick. Also just below the photograph was a busy blacksmith.”

Image courtesy of Olive Bennett, thanks to Ian Hindmarch for the update.

Green Tree Hotel

Quite a throng gathered outside the Green Tree! Half the school must have emptied as the word got around that a photographer was coming! Dating this image is simplified as the Archive is aware that the hotel had alterations between 1901 and 1906. Also interesting is the shop beyond the hotel, this building is now a private house and no sign of the large double fronted shop remain.

Image courtesy of John G. Hannah, thanks also to Nivard Ovington for his assistance in dating the alterations to the Green Tree.

A Greeting from Brotton

The one and only multi-image postcard I have seen of Brotton, do you have any others we could use on the site.

Image courtesy of Beryl Morris.

High Street Brotton 1934

The title on this postcard view of Brotton High Street tells it all. Both the cinema and chapel long gone (their absence marked by an extensive parking area), although the public house ‘The Railway Arms’ (steps in left corner) still remains open today. Larraine Goldby comments: “I well Remember attending the Methodist Chapel during the fifties! Good memories I lived in Brotton on coach Road from 1953 until my marriage in 1961.”

Image courtesy of Julie Riddiough, thanks to Larraine Goldby for that memory.