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Easington Post Office

A carefully arranged viewing of a group outside Easington Post Office, when it was the first property on Lambert Terrace. Wasn’t it was also a shop run by Mrs Mary Cooke for over thirty years. Pam McVay commented: “Yes I think this was a shop and I think my mum Bette Robinson was born there, I think it belonged to her mother’s family; Cooke.” David Bertram asked: “It was a general store when it was a Post Office. I think I recall that it all ended in tragedy with the suicide of one or both of the couple who ran it.” Easington Post Office (and general store) was owned by Jean and John Wilson in the early 1980s, tragically Jean who was Loftus born and bred died suddenly in her fifties in 1985 and John sadly committed suicide some three months later. A great loss to the village.

Image courtesy of Joyce Dobson & Keith Bowers and many thanks to David Bertram and Pamela McVay for the updates.

1 comment to Easington Post Office

  • C. Cook

    My great Grandfather, Joseph Cook was the sub-postmaster and grocer at Easington Post Office, he died in 1918 aged 54, through accident in Boulby Mine.

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