The third year class of Loftus Junior School, pictured in 1964, outside the entrance to Loftus Junior School. The Archive could only identify one pupil and Mr Philpot (his wife was the Librarian at Loftus Library for several years!); having asked for assistance the responses have been wonderful!. Janis Bonner believes: “I think this is later than 1964 probably more like 1968.This class was the year below me. I recognise some of these children.” Terry Shaw adds: “I believe this was 1968.” Terry has memories of Mr Philpot : “He was a good teacher but very strict, quite handy with the slipper, remember nice warm afternoons with him reading Swallows and Amazons.”
Back row: Marcus Burnside, Steven Found, Peter Metcalf, Dave Danby, Brian Fletcher, David Thompson, Matthew Fisher, Howard Birtwhistle, Brian Barrett, Terry Shaw.
Middle row: Martin Walley, David Anderson, Dennis Cowey, Catherine McMasters, Kath Findlay, Katherine Stamford, Pat Puckrin, Denise Conn, Carol Magor, Shirley Greener, Regan Davey, Dave Hodgson, Chris Lindsey.
Front row: Janet Smith, Angela Cook, Julie Harding, Julie Easton, Pauline Dodds Mr Colin Philpott (Teacher), Maureen Thirsk, Judith O’Cain, Julie Wood, Carol Gibson, Lynne Bottomley.
Image courtesy of Marian Toulson, thanks to Janis Bonner, Terry Shaw, and Judith O’Cain for the updates; many thanks to Dave Danby, Martin Walley and Dave Hodgson for finalising the names.
The Loftus Junior School Football team of 1969/70 is pictured with their ‘Manager’ Mr Stonehouse (a Teacher at the school).
Back row: Steven Harding, Ricky Halton, Barry Simpson, David Parkinson, John Rigg, John Preston, Mark Wilson, Peter Hart.
Front row: Robin Smith, Malcolm Wilson, Kevin Gates, Michael Newton, Garry Hicks.
Image and names courtesy of John Preston.
1969/70 was the last (their fourth) year at Loftus Junior School for these pupils in Mrs Leyborne’s class.
Back row: Ian Atkinson, Stephen Boyes, Andrew Bright, John Preston, Kevin Gates, Barry Simpson, John Rigg, Les Barnes, Brian Allanson, Colin Locker, Colin Jemson, Steven Harding.
Middle row: Michael Newton, Avril Mortimer, Ruth Fowle, Marie Swales, ??, ??, Janet Smithies, Kim Cartwright, Shirley Bothroyd, ??, ??, Teresa Snow, ??, Mavis Laity, Trevor Legg.
Front row: ? Garbutt, Susan Stonehouse, Beverley Codling, Marie Allinson, Janice Cox, ??, Mrs. Leyborne (Teacher), Marie Stringer, Susan Jackson, Yvonne Preston, Andrea Marsay, Jill Britain. Kim Cartwight assists with: ” I am Kim Cartwright the one in the white cardigan in the middle pulling an awful face just as the camera clicked!!! The girl on my left in pink is Shirley Bothroyd and my right in yellow is Janet Smithies.
Image and names to date courtesy of John Preston, thanks to Ricky Halton, and Kim Cartwright for the update on names.
We asked for help as we could not put a name to anyone on this photograph loaned to us by Mrs Sakaropoulus. Can you name anyone?
Back row: Stephen Yeoman, Neil Skidmore, Shaun Bowman, Mark Hawkins, Graham Stringer, Paul Evans, Simon Whittaker, Michael Lanigan, Neil Knox, Martin Pountain, Mark Smith, John Hodgson, Michael Marsay, John Tomlinson, Colin Mason, Scott Bevons and Gary Dewsbury.
Front row: Amanda Patton, Tracy Taylor, Barbara Jacques, Emma Pauli, Clare Ditchburn, Sharon Couse, Sheena Flood, Emma Collin, Joanne Welford and at the front Heather ? and Theresa Dyer.
Joan Welford tells us: ”This is a Loftus Juniors picture. It is of Mrs Blades and her class of fourth years taken on the school field, probably before we were all due to leave for Rosecroft. And the year was 1981.” Scott Bevons commented: “Wow! I haven’t seen this picture since it was taken, well done Joanne Welford for remembering the names.” Colin Mason commented: “happy days. Still see Martin Pountain. Loved living in Lotus. I joined army; in Green Howard’s for 9 years. Now tanker driver living in Eston, hope everyone is fit and well.”
Image courtesy of Mrs Sakaropoulus and many thanks to Joanne Welford, Scott Bevons and Colin Mason for the updates on names.
Mrs Redding and her class also enjoyed the Victory in Europe anniversary celebrations. Fourth row: ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??. Third row: ??, ??, ??, ??. Second row: ??, ??, ??, ??, Mrs Redding, ??, ??, ??, ??. Front row: ??, ??, ??, ??. Were you there and can you assist with names?
Image courtesy of Marian Toulson.
Taken in 1978 we think, do you know better?
Back row: Mr McKenna, Mrs Barker, Miss Merryweather, Miss Nicholson Steng, Miss Swalwell.
Front row: Mrs. Redding, Mrs Toulson, Mrs Benett, Mrs Blades, Mrs Shail, Mr Beedle.
Image and names courtesy of Marian Toulson.
Yes we’re back in the 1940’s again at the junior school which is now the Community Centre in Duncan Place; some of the pupils are named, but can you recognise anyone?
Back row: Colin Watson, Brian Hall, Ernest Mead, Ronnie Knight, Gordon Robinson, Harry Jobling, Peter Campbell, ??, ??, Michael Grant, Billy Parkin.
Third row: Eric Laverick, Tom Williams, Kathleen Oglesby, ??, Pat Vasey, Pauline Mann, Ann Dodsworth, Mavis Cuthbert, Janet Theaker, Valerie Shaw, Maureen Ebbs, ?-Audrey?, Sydney Robson, Geoffrey Spearpoint.
Second row: Wendy Denton, Susanne Nelson, Judy Trowsdale, Audrey Robinson, Eileen Robinson, Barbara Craggs, Sheila Wren, Marjorie Easton, Jean Shaw, Kenny Johnson.
Front row (kneeling) David Hore; (seated) Derick Arden, Tom Cummings, Derick Armstrong, Tony Trattles, Brian Lawson, Bobby Morrison, John Turnbull, Alan Chester, Reg Wilson.
Image courtesy of Marian Toulson, thanks to Mike Hore and Audrey Hadfield (Robinson) for more names, also to John Keelty for the update.

Back Row: Miss J Long, Anthony Pearson, Graham Smith, Jason Fraser, Ian Harrison, Trevor Smith, Jill Kitchener, David Rodgers.
Third Row: Samantha Wheatley, Pamela Cotterill, Amanda Jopling, Ingrid McLeod, Jill Goldby, Christine Ricks, Lynn Drinkhall, Christine Shaw.
Second Row: Paul Bland, Peter Everington, Graham Morrison, Kevin Norris, Haydn Duffty, Phillip Stone, Dale Sissons, Nigel Hayes.
Front Row: Alan Pearson, David Barber, Brian Ward, Joyce Nicholson, Sonia Coaten, Andrea Glover, Keith Winspear, Paul Armstrong.
Image courtesy of Marian Toulson and thanks to Haydn Duffty for the update.
Proudly displaying a model castle:
Back Row: John Barry, Brian Sawdon, Anthony Sherwood, Martin Byers, David Cuthbert, Michael Hopper, Mike Gowan. Middle Row: David Legg, Tony Robinson, Philip Barnes, Brian Hart. Front Row: Stephen Pressick, Keith Bowers, Nicholas Whitlock, Christopher Marsay, David Bowers, Glen Yeoman. Whilst Jenna Skidmore tells us: “Photographs of me when I was in year 1 and younger”. But can anybody tell the year and the occasion?
Image courtesy of Marian Toulson,thanks to Mike Hopper for the missing name and to Jenna Skidmore for the update.
Back Row: Mrs Leybourne, Trevor Himsworth, Mike Allison, Mike Tyreman, Gary Yarker, Colin Taylor, Neil Colbeck, Sean Gray, Paul Easton, Steve Wilson Middle row, Keith Lindsey, Carol White, Jennifer Dickenson, Deborah Shaw, Susan Cook, Paula Sawdon, Dawn Jefferson, Tracy Roberts, Tracey Stewart.
Front row: Susan Stevenson, Judith Buxton, Lesley Hall, Rob Wallace, Graham Craggs, Jennie Collins, Carol Grey, Jackie Beatie, Catherine Robinson. Sittingat front: Neil Bint, Richard Kemp, Ian Bowers, Kevin Patton, Mike Richardson.
Image courtesy of Marian Toulson; with thanks to Craig Urban, Catherine Robinson and Tracy Stewart for the updates.
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