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Towers School 1925

The Towers School, Saltburn 1925, for which the Archive is asking for assistance regarding this photograph. The image came to the Archive following comments to an image of the school dating c.1928. Peter Owen told the Archive: “Going through family archives, my mother (Marjorie Appleton) was at The Towers in 1925 at the age of 15 – this is the whole school photograph of that year. I would like to believe that her two sisters might also be in this photograph, Doris Appleton and Audrey Appleton. I put an arrow in the scan who I believe is my mother. Roger Byron-Collins has told the Archive: “My late mother in law, Svanhild Hojem was born in 1914 and was the daughter of a Norwegian business school owner in Stavanger and Arendal, attending Towers School in the 1920s.  There were a significant number of fellow students at the school from Norway and her best friend was the daughter of Christian Salvesen of the well-known transport company.” The Archive , as well as Peter and Roger would welcome any assistance in naming pupils or staff.

Image courtesy of Peter Owen, thanks to Peter Owen and Roger Byron-Collins for additional information.

1 comment to Towers School 1925

  • Jennifer Reid

    My mother Margaret Mary Forbes apparently went to the Towers School at 4 years old. She would be 7 years old in this photograph. if I have identified her correctly she is in the front row 10th from the left.
    I attended the Towers in 1952 and 2 of the teachers/staff were still there from my mother’s time. A Miss Bradford possibly 7th from the left, I can’t identify the other and have forgotten her name.
    I am seeing a Norwegian connection which I didn’t know about as my grandmother (on my mother’s side) remarried a Norwegian man John Gjers after her husband died.

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