The original ‘Golf Balls’ at Fylingdales in the 1960s, now replaced by a pyramid object; the original ‘Golf Balls’ could be seen for miles across the moors, particularly from the north and west and often best viewed from the Guisborough to Whitby ‘moor’ road.
Image courtesy of Robert Goundry.
When attempting to do the Lyke Wake Walk (I hope I have spelt it correctly) the route took us within about an half mile from this base. I unfortunately, did not complete the walk, which takes a lot of stamina!
Hi Danny
The New Lyke Wake Club is trying to improve its archive and we welcome details of past attempts on the Lyke Wake Walk – even if unsuccessful (the surviving records have many significant gaps). We’d be interested in hearing from you. Regards Ian Evans
Dear Ian,
I’m glad to hear that the Lyke Wake is still attempted. As a youngster I was in 2nd Redcar scouts in the late 60s and early 70s and we rambled all over the moors, camping out and “barnstorming” – sleeping in any old shed or shelter we came across – we were picked up and taken back to Redcar in the middle of the night by the police on one occasion after being rumbled by a suspicious farmer! The Lyke Wake was the Holy Grail at the time – I remember getting as far as Blakey Ridge in winter before being defeated by exhaustion and the atrocious conditions. I hope your club has more success. I suppose you are familiar with the ancient dirge. I live in Ireland now, where wakes are are a regular occurrence, albeit not quite as strenuous. All the best to your club.