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South Town Lane

The Lane leading down to South Loftus, the road looks in terrible condition. Surprising, because looking at the view of Skinningrove Works in the distance we can see No 5 Furnace, built in 1951. At this date was Loftus Urban District Council or North Riding council responsible for Roads?

Image courtesy of Ken Johnson.

Where? No. 2

Once again, beautiful though it is,  the Archive had no idea where this was and asked for answers. Eric Johnson advised: “I think it’s an old print of Handale Abbey farm, built using part of the priory buildings.”

Thanks to Eric Johnson for that update.

South Loftus

Mr Jim Fishlock approaching the coal house and former outdoor toilets at South Loftus ; in the days before flush toilets, ash pans were used and emptied each week by a council dustbin lorry. Dustbin men in those days were colloquially known as ‘night soil men’!

Thanks to Paul Brown for the update.

South Loftus Lane

A beautiful quiet lane (and I wish I had a £1 for every time I had walked it) beautiful views all round but as usual the iron and steel works dominate the skyline.

South Loftus

A fine view of the row of cottages at South Loftus – complete with the obligatory posed urchins! Emily Millthorpe (nee Bunney) tells us: “I was born in one of these houses in 1948, my parents names were Kenneth and Florence. I have one brother (Keith)and one brother (Clive) who were born there. We then moved to Barnsley where my father worked in Grimethorpe pit. He worked in Skinningrove pit when we lived there, he worked with someone called Mr Gell who was in a fire and was scarred very badly all over and one younger brother also born there.”

Image courtesy of the Pem Holliday Collection and thanks to Emily Millthorpe (nee Bunney) for that information.


South Loftus High Town

A view of South Loftus from the west. Road junction at right hand side of photograph leads northwards to Loftus via Water Lane.

Paul Stevenson tells us: “The first house was my Grandparents house, now I live there.”

Image courtesy of Mrs Cynthia Sakaropoulus and thanks to Paul Stevenson for the update.