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Furnace Cottages, Carlin How

A picture of one of the terraces of Furnace Cottages, Carlin How; taken when the houses were being demolished. Furnace Cottages were so called as they were so close to the blast furnaces.

Image courtesy of Elizabeth Mellor.

4 comments to Furnace Cottages, Carlin How

  • Fred Miller

    I was born in 1 FrontRow Furnace Cottages on 21 Dec 1937

  • karen hall

    It’s great to see this photograph, thank you. My great grandfather and his family lived at 6 Front Row Furnace Cottages. His name was Patrick Woods and this address was on his young wife Mary’s death certificate dating 1916 – she died from TB the number one killer of the day. In the 1911 Census they were living in High Street Loftus and then they must have moved to Skinningrove by 1912 as one of their sons was born here. By 1921 he was living in Whitehaven, Cumbria taking his younger children with him. Do you happen to know when these cottages were demolished?

    • Derick Pearson

      Hi Karen they were demolished in 1964 by Pearson Plant hire machines. I knew dozens of families from here. Many moved out and some are still with us around the area.

  • My Mam Doris Somers was born there 1940 Nice to see Thank you

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