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Commondale Brick and Pipe Works can be seen on the left in this view of the village.  The card was posted in 1907 and at that time the brickworks were owned and managed by the Crossleys.  A railway track connected the works to the main line from Battersby, making it easy for the bricks to be exported to London and all parts of the country.

Image courtesy of Tina Dowey and information from ”Commondale, The story of a North Yorkshire Village” by Vera Robinson.

8 comments to Commondale

  • Ann Jackson

    Both my Dad Les JACKSON and my great uncle David Johnson worked at the brickworks,. I think David might have been a foreman there.

  • Alan NORMAN Jackson

    Hello (again) Ann,

    I have put into place a family tree on one of the web sites. If you would like to see it at any time please let me know. Who knows there may be some connections here. If you also have one I would love to look at it.

    Over to you from a very sunny Perth, Australia

  • Andy

    I now live in the Old Post Office, which is the large red house in the image.


      Hi Andy, My partner and and i recently made a visit to Commondale early this week to see the the house his mother lived in “the Shelings” now called “Woodlands House ” when her father worked at the Brick works as a Manager we understand there is book about COMMONDALE by Vera Robinson and was hoping you could tell us where to obtain one and any more infro about the brick works

  • David Toward

    Looking for photos of James Gordon Balfour- married Elizabeth Jane Dobson (1869-1941) from Commondale

  • anthony dix

    I laid water mains and services in Commondale in 1996, from the start of the railway bridge over the beck and right up to the pub.

  • Abi Gray

    Would also love to get my hands on a copy of the book about Commondale by Vera Robinson if anyone has any idea where I might be able to get hold of one??

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