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Meeting Old Friends

Meeting Old Friends

This happy couple came and met old friends at the reunion, can we have assistance in naming them?

Meeting Friends Again

Meeting Friends Again

Another table sees John Roberts, ??, ??, ??; all meeting again after all those years. Can you assist with names?

Can You Remember Her Name?

Can You Remember Her Name?

Time changes us all and it is sometimes difficult to remember names. We have all been in this situation, asking a friend if they can name a face and then been relieved that it was who ever we thought it was. At the reunion this happened many times and always with a happy out come.

Will You Have Another?

Will You Have Another?

An evening enjoyed by all; the chance to enjoy a drink, chatter with old friends and remember the happy days working at the Co-op.

Co-op Reunion



One of a series of images from the Co-op staff reunion, Harry Hall clearly enjoyed the evening, meeting old friends again.

Sheila Enjoying the Reunion

Sheila Enjoying the Reunion

Enjoying the chance to meet old friends was Sheila Cocks; our question is which department did she work in? Derek Miller tells us: ”I recall Sheila working in the Co-op hardware Department, which is now the Employment Office. Her manager was a man called Cyril Bacon. She later went on to pursue a career in retail at Uptons in Redcar and M & S in Middlesbrough.”

Many thanks to Derek for that update.

Did you get a picture?

Did you get a picture?

Former Co-op staff from Loftus gathered for one of a series of photographs.

Standing: Sheila Cocks, Kath Welford, Irene Wright, Ann Ebbs.

Seated: Graham ?.

Can we have assistance with the missing name?

Presenting the Flowers

Presenting the Flowers

Kath Welford presents flowers to a former colleague, can we have assistance with names?

From left to right: ??, Kath Welford, ??, ??.

Look This Way for the Camera

Look This Way for the Camera

The gathered former Co-op workers needed to move round the room to try and meet their former colleagues. The occasion saw a vast turn out of former staff, all keen to exchange stories and meet again.

Co-op Reunion Snap

Co-op Reunion Snap

A more formal picture; and we have (left to right): Sheila Cocks, Kath Welford, Graham ?, Irene Wright (Drapery) and Ann Ebbs.

Many thanks to Andrew Tennant in filling in the missing name.