”This is a photograph of Miss Carlin How from 6th of August 1951. Miss Carlin How was Sylvia Conway. To Sylvia’s left on back row is Keturah Welford (daughter of Bob Welford the coalman), little girl front left Jennifer Welford (youngest daughter of Bob Welford), next right Kathleen Welford (with glasses, another daughter of Bob Welford), next right back row ??, little girl directly in front Pat Pearson, to her right David Husband and directly behind and between these two Ronnie Gittings. To David’s right front row Alfie Arnold and to his right Brian Husband (David’s twin brother who went to Australia many years ago).” Frank Robson tells us: ”The tall lad on the back row is John Scott.” Richard Stubbs assisted with: “Little girl front left is Jennifer Welford, Bob Welford’s youngest daughter. We have sat laughing about it this afternoon.”
These events like Gala day and Carnival Queen were generally held on the football field, house showing behind the fence to the left could be numbers 13 or 14 Bells Huts where the present day foundry stands.
Image and notes courtesy of Derick Pearson, thanks to Frank Robson for correctly identifying John Scott, also to Richard Stubbs for assistance in naming Jennifer Welford.
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