The pier as it used to be at Saltburn, I should be able to remember it like this but I guess the memory is going because I cannot recall it; but doesn’t it look lovely? Now I have been reading about the pier and at one time it was 1.500 feet long and the seaward end we see here was removed by a storm on October 29th 1974. Nigel Anderson recalls: “The buildings at the end of the pier were a horseshoe shape with covered seating both sides, inside and out and all round!!! I have many memories of the elderly sitting there asleep or listening g to the waves! Also should have mentioned that in the summer on Sundays a brass band often played in the centre at the end!“
Image courtesy of Ray Brown and thanks to Nigel Anderson for the updates.
What was the nature of the buildings at the end of the pier? They don’t look like amusements.
Also should have mentioned that in the summer on sundays a brass band often played in the centre at the end!!!
The buildings at the end of the pier were a horseshoe shape with covered seating both sides, inside and out and all round!!! I have many memories of the elderly sitting there asleep or listening g to the waves!
I can remember playing on the pier as a child and running round the end and also fishing, catching cod and mackerel. There were some red lifebouy boxes along the pier which we used to hide in or shelter from the wind. A magical place to grow up and i’d love to return there to live!
Glad someone else remembers it as it was!! I used to fish for mackerel that were still plentiful (1950’s!!!) And yes I remember the lifebouy boxes well. Only problem is that it got VERY windswept in the winter and bitterly cold!!!