
Steveanson and Dixon Street in Carlin How held a party in 1945 to celebrate the end of World War II; some of the people present are identified on the image. However Derick Pearson also told us: “Also on the right hand row is Mrs Kitchiner who lived in the bottom house on the left of the street; she had a garden at the side of the tennis courts where she kept hens and ducks; her daughter Ada worked in Ainsley’s shop for years. Mrs Thornton, Hilda Rawlings; as well as Lancasters, Doweys, Hudsons, Tilburns and Robinsons are all in this photograph. The tables were set about about four houses up the street between Steveanson Street and Dixon Street. The School can be seen at the top of the photograph, Carlin How club hall where the dances were held for years was directly behind the photographer.”
Image and notes from a collection compiled by Derick Pearson.

Carlin How Methodist Sunday School having won the Methodist Circuit’s Eisteddfod Shield.
Back row: ??, Mavis Young (later Hall), Dorothy Webster, Mrs Wilkinson, Betty Thompson, Carrie Nicholson, Mrs Brunger, Bob Brunger, Les Nicholson.
Next row: Roland Heseldine.
Third row: ??, ??, Joan Dart, Les Harker, Kathleen Danby, ??, Mary Cocks.
Second row: Christine Williams, Colin Myers, Kathleen Welford, Ian Matthews, Stuart Stonehouse, Chris Stone, Alan Young, Sid Bell, Alan Saunby.
Front row: Stephen Thornton, Norman Myers, Shirley Webster, Jan Carveth, Julie Worden, Brian Wilkinson, Tony Nicholson.
Help wanted please with missing names and the date.
Image from a collection by Derick Pearson, also thanks to Marilyn, Derick Pearson, Barbara McBurney, Tony Nicholson, Julie Howard, Les Harker and Robert Doe for names to date.

The Watson sisters now grown up! But which is which? John Michael Watson advises: “Annie, Gladys and last is aunty Alice”.
Image courtesy of Carlin How Community Centre and thanks to John Michael Watson for the update.

The Watson sisters of Carlin How; Alice, Annie and Bessie. The 1911 Census in addition lists the children as: Bessie 6, Alice 4 and Annie 3, which means there are discrepancies between the date of this image and the Census data. Derick Pearson confirms this fact. Can anybody assist?
Grateful thanks to Gabby Moggie and Derick Pearson for information received.

Thomas and Jane we are am surmising are the parents, with from left to right; Rita, Elsie, William and Kate, are there any families of these still in the area? Derick Pearson tells us: ”I believe Dorothy Limon (nee Webster) is a Grandchild of these, and if so The Mini Market along Brotton road at Carlin How is owned by Great Grandchildren of these folks. Andrew, Sarah etc.”
Image from a collection created by Derick Pearson and thanks to Derick for that update.

The Archive had received several copies of CD Roms of local images, each of which contained this image; already marked with the names of the participants; they were Scouts from 1st Carlin How Boy Scout Troop. The participants (back row): T. Andrews, J. Fawcett (St John’s Ambulance Brigade?), A. Steggar. Front row: Charlie Sommers, C. Wood, W. Goldby. The Archive still asks where was the photograph taken?
Since then the Archive has been advised by Derick Pearson: “Yes I have an unmarked copy as this was from the CD Rom I compiled. I put both on it. I will submit an unnamed one. Would have done this in the first place had it not been placed on site by someone else.”
Image courtesy of Stan Ward was originally from a collection originally produced as part of ‘Carlin How in Times Past’ in the 1980’s; compiled by Derick Pearson. The present image courtesy of Carlin How Community Centre.

Four young speed merchants if the caption is to be believed! We asked who are they and where are they? Derick Pearson believes the image was taken on Brotton Road in Carlin How: ”Looking from the entrance of the Carlin How ambulance station on Brotton Road; Stonehouse’s garage would be on the right and the second part of Brotton road would be to the left. The raised railtrack in the rear going to the left toward Crag Hall and Warsett hill.” We said we would like to have the identity of these ”speed kings”; Alan Franks tells us: “The young fellow on the right is my Dad, George Franks. Derick is probably right for the location, my Dad lived at Carlin How, first at Queen Street, then Brotton Road (Oxford Terrace then). His Dad, my Grandad worked on the Fab Shop and was killed there in 1924. His Mam lived with us until she died in1955, we lived in Redcar then.” Can anybody assist with any other names?
Image and additional information courtesy of Alan Franks and thanks to Derick Pearson for naming the location.

Another view of the Tivoli Theatre, with a line of ”relaxed” gentleman seated outside. Anybody any ideas as to names?
One suggestion from Kathleen Kelly is that the gentleman second from left could be Charles Biott?
Image courtesy of the Pem Holliday Collection and Dot Verrill, with thanks to Kathleen Kelly for the update.

Another photograph from the jubilee brochure of Carlin How Working Men’s Club, this time taken on the bowling green. We asked: “We are sure you will be able to tell us the names of some of the men there?” Derick Pearson told us: “First left is Norman Robinson, Dennis Preston, Jack Verrill; kneeling Mr Carveth and Jack Dredge., Standing Jim Nicholson. Group on right: first left standing is Bill Harrison (nicknamed Mellon or Lemon); far right Mr Husband. Mrs Bob Butterworth and ? Blenkey sat on seat.”
Thanks to Derick Pearson for names update.

Another photograph taken in the jubilee year of Carlin How Club the men are all named,as the Committee and officials. Back row: J. T. Harrison, T. G. Webster, J. Verrill (Sports Secretary), G. R. Burns, William H. Harrison (Vice President), J. Black, J. Dredge, J. Preston, G. Limon.
Front row: N. W. Robinson, J. Husband, J. W. Carveth (Secretary), G. T. Smith (President), L. Smith (Treasurer), J. Nicholson, E. Scott.
Colin Verrill tells us: ”it was taken on the tennis court next to the tennis pavillion, there were two red shale courts and four grass courts”.
Thanks to Colin Verrill for the update.
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