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Ann Robinson Cutting Her Wedding Cake

Later the same day (28th July 1956), Ann and Lewis Robinson are pictured cutting their wedding cake following their wedding at St Helen’s Church, Carlin How. Ann Robinson has also told us: “The reception was held in Carlin How Club Hall as it was then called”.

Image and update courtesy of Ann Robinson.

Ann Seymour Marrying Lewis Robinson 1956

Pictured outside St Helen’s Church,  Carlin How; are Ann Seymour and her new husband Lewis Robinson on 28th July 1956. Perhaps you were at the wedding?

Image courtesy of Ann Robinson.

Skinningrove Lads and Russell Cup 1938

This photograph of Skinningrove lads came in an envelope entitled “Russell Cup 1938”, it is known that the Russell Cup was always played at Loftus Cricket Club, the Archive would welcome assistance in identifying all in the picture, as well as a location and reasons.

Back row ??, ??, Bob Simpson

Middle row Jack Simmons, Herbert Saunby, Dick Webster

Front row, Joe Scott, Billy Andrew, ??.

Image and names to date courtesy of Colin Hart (and Phil Saunby).

North Skelton Post Office – 1920s


North Skelton Post Office in the 1920s, pictured we have: “The young girl with the flowers is my dad’s sister Sally Kitching and the other young girl is his eldest sister Edie. The post office was run by my dad’s great uncle Bill Young and his wife Bessie who are the two figures on the far right here. The young woman second from the left is dad’s aunt Annie (Smith), next to her is his Aunt Nellie and then Arch Aubrey who was the husband of Annie Smith (they married in 1924). I don’t know what the occasion was. We think the Post Office was at 10 Wharton Street.” The Archive can confirm that William (Billy) Young was Sub-postmaster with his wife Bessie at 10 Wharton Street; they still lived there in 1939. The Archive would again welcome information as regards the possible occasion, especially as all present were obviously celebrating some event.

Image and information courtesy of Geoff Kitching (son of Bill Kitching formerly of Carlin How).


Music Hall Act Or What?

The Archive has been requested to undertake some research of an images for the Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum; it is displayed above! The image is part of the extensive collection of photographs which the Mining Museum holds, but the Museum is unsure of the relevance or reason for inclusion in their collection. It is believed to be two brothers who were part of a music hall act popular on Northern music hall stages; but the Archive would welcome any information to support or disprove this theory. Please help us!!!

Image courtesy of Cleveland Ironstone Mining Museum.

Ladies in Church

Ladies in Church

Gill Brown, Lilian Ingledew and Iris Copley are similarly pictured during another visit to St Gregory’s Minster at Kirkdale.

Image courtesy of Iris Place.

Church Visit

Church visit

Lilian Ingledew and Tom Jackson are pictured whilst visiting St Gregory’s Minster at Kirkdale. Kirkdale’s most famous monument is the ANGLO-SAXON SUNDIAL situated just above the main doorway under cover of the 18th century porch; still much visited today the church is a peaceful haven, well worth visiting .

Image courtesy of Iris Place.

Miss She

Butlin’s at Filey in the 1970’s I think; did you go, do you remember all the competitions there used to be? The Miss She was a fiercely fought one and on the left of the photograph is Eileen Hyde; sadly coming second. I can describe her outfit because I crocheted it, dress coat and hat, peach was the main colour with stripes of white at regular intervals. I as very proud of making that outfit, sadly I no longer have it and it wouldn’t fit if I had.
Image courtesy of Eileen Hyde.

Can You Help to name the Young Ladies

Cousins in England-1

We have had a request for assistance in naming people in the image, Can anybody assist?

Elaine Meadows (nee Tyerman) tells us: “As you look at the picture taken at Runswick Bay in the 1950’s the first 2 children from the left hand side are unknown, (possible from Hinderwell or Runswick Bay); then my cousins Janet and Christine (Chris) Pearson as they were then aged 5 – 6 years. They lived Browns Terrace at Hinderwell, and Chris still lives at Hinderwell. 2 of 4 children of Cyril and Hilda Pearson (nee Tyerman)….their other two siblings are not on picture. We have asked all the family if they know the other 2 girls….and nobody knows them…they are not family members. The picture was sent from Canada saying on the back your Cousins from Hinderwell… as I said the two on the right are…..the other two are definately not Canadians.”

If you can assist please send via the comments facility and we will pass on to Elaine. Many thanks.

Joe’s Wackers – 1955


Can anybody assist with identifying who or what “Joe’s Wackers 1955” were? Please let us know, it is an enigma which the Archive would love to resolve. Back row: ??, ??, ??, ??, Mr Snowdon, ??, ??, ??

Image courtesy of Mrs Sakelaropoulos and thanks to John Keelty for the update.