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In Station Wood – 1

At the corner we turned into Station Wood, crossed the little bridge over the beck and climbed the steps into the wood.  We stopped to have our picture taken. This group of boys are: John Whitwell, Graham Atkinson, Steven Evans, and Mark Sussens. 

Image courtesy of Joan Yeoman, thanks to John Whitwell for the update on names.

In Station Wood – 2

Some more of the boys paused for a picture at the top of the steps.

Image courtesy of Joan Yeoman.

In Station Wood – 3

The girls were following, and stopped for a moment. Mrs Yeoman could remember their faces, but not all their names. The Archive asked: ” Can you help, please?” Donna Whitwell advised: ”In this photograph there is Donna Whitwell, Kerry Reason, Michelle Harris, Nicola Harris, Rachael Pearson, Joanne Dean, Samantha Tremain, Clare Taylor.”

Image courtesy of Joan Yeoman and thanks to Donna Whitwell for the update.

In the Wood – 1

We had a good walk along the path, beside the beck, looking at the trees and bluebells and our legs were tired. Resting we have: Joanne Dale, Sara Dean, ??, ??, ??, Ben Tyreman, ??.

Image courtesy of Joan Yeoman, thanks to Adam Cuthbert for names to date.

In the Wood – 2

It was a lovely sunny day and we all sat down for a rest. Back row: ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??, ??.
Front row: Ben Tyreman, ??, ??, ??, ??.

Can anybody assist with names?

Image courtesy of Joan Yeoman.

In the Wood – 3

We were only about five years old in May 1984.  Mark Yeoman is in this picture, but who else is here?

Image courtesy of Joan Yeoman.

In the Wood – 4

Steven Evans, John Whitwell and Graham Atkinson are here again, but can you help with other names, please?

Image courtesy of Joan Yeoman.

Miss Goldsbrough And Staff

Standing: Miss Sibley, Miss J Norminton, Mrs R. Ward, Miss J Long.

Seated: Mrs Gladman, Miss Goldsbrough (Head), Mrs P Hitchen.

1961/2 was Miss Long’s first year in teaching and she was only at Harry Dack for that year, afterwards became a stalwart of Loftus Junior School. It was also the final year as Head for Miss Goldsbrough, retiring 31st July 1962.

Shirley Tutton tells us: “This was my first year at school and I remember all the staff as if it was yesterday!”. Whilst Sally Abra tells us: “As a seven-year old I was mesmerised by Mrs Gladman’s high heel shoes and bright red lipstick; I aspired to be like her when I grew up. I was with Mrs Hitchen too, these photographs are brilliant so see after so long.” Janis Bonner has advised: “It is Mrs.Ward standing between Miss Norminton and Miss Long.(I think she was called Rita) She was lovely and taught the younger children. I remember her putting all our artwork into those huge scrapbooks. Mrs.Coser was indeed fair haired and wore glasses, I believe she taught the older children as did Mrs. Hitchen who I had the pleasure of meeting again a few years ago.”

Thanks to Alison Atkinson for the updated names and to Shirley and Sally for the memories. Thanks also to Janice Bonner for resolving our naming quandary.

Loftus Zetland Infants

It is possible to just make out Loftus Zetland Infants III on the small board held by the child in the middle.  We’re guessing that these are the children in class 3.   Some of the children are holding small toys.  We don’t know when this photograph was taken but it must have been about a hundred years ago.  Unfortunately some of the children’s features have faded with time.

The old school is now a private house, opposite the Co-op Building, the Archive wondered it close when Harry Dack opened?

Thanks to Mrs. Wilson for the following: “This school closed when the new secondary modern school opened in 1963 and the junior schools moved to the old secondary modern building near the police station. My father attended this school as an infant in 1930 but when I attended this school, it was used for first year junior pupils after Harry Dack opened.”

Thanks to G. Rowcliffe for the following: “I have just found your site and find it very interesting. My family has lived in The Old Zetland School since it was renovated by the Savory family in the early eighties. Do you or any person visiting the site have photographs from inside the School when it was in use, I have heard that there were some that were given to staff and some pupils at the time.”

Image courtesy of Mrs. M. Bielby.

Loftus Infant School (c.1900)

Class IV of Loftus (Zetland) Infants, pictured with their teachers. Do you recognise any of these people?

Image courtesy of Sandra Hutchinson.