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Guisborough Grammar School – Form 1 Alpha – 1962/63

Back row: 1. Phil Coonan, 2. Michael Covell, 3. David Bramley, 4. Michael McBurney, 5. Peter James O’Brien, 6. Geoffrey Flannery, 7. Dave Protheroe, 8. Don Burluraux,  9. Michael Moore.

Middle row:  1. Leon Greenwood/Michael Wright, 2. Andrew Gamblin, 3. ? Hardy, 4. Stephen Thornton, 5. George Pallister, 6. Richard Souter, 7. Robert Crighton, 8. John Watts.

Front row:  1.Stephen Glover 2. David Standring 3. Ronald Beedle 4. Graham Flemons, Mr Stairman (Form Teacher), 5. Leslie Hardy 6. Alan Munday 7. Paul Chester 8. David Sillett ‘Young Egg’.

Michael McBurney started the naming process with: “Since Barbara has started this and it will probably embarrassing to get names wrong I will start it off. The year I believe would be 1962-63. I trust I will not offend anyone with my bad memory but I now hope someone will fill in the rest and correct any errors.” Steven Thornton added: “I’m very impressed with Michaels memory (certainly better than mine). I think I can fill in a few blanks; Form 1A March 1963.” Bob Barton tells us: ”No.8 Middle row is John Watts whose family was very kind to me when I moved to Brotton from the West Riding.”

Image and names to date courtesy of Barbara McBurney, updated names from Michael McBurney and Stephen Thornton (who also solved the year and form query!). Also thanks to Pete Jemmerson, Bob Barton, Michael Moore , Jan Naismith, Alan Munday and Andrew Gamblin for the latest updates.

2 comments to Guisborough Grammar School – Form 1 Alpha – 1962/63

  • Alan Munday

    Hi. Mostly done – great work Michael McBurney and Steven Thornton – but just to fill in a couple of blanks. Back row – Ben OBrien was proerly called Peter James O’Brien; Next to him is Geoffrey Flannery. Middle row – Michael Wright; Andrew Gamble. Front row – David (?) Standring; Ronald Beedle; Mr Stairmand; Ian (?) Sillett. And I think this was form 1 Alpha (not A) in 62/63. (Alan Munday)

  • Andrew Gamblin

    Hi Alan, it is Andrew Gamblin, not Gamble. Middle row, on my right is Leon Greenwood (I think).Front row far right is David Sillett (Young Egg)
    Middle row #6 is Richard Souter (only one T if I recall correctly) and #7 is Robert Crighton)

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